The inspector of the "Enurmino" area says that people and hunters observe the fall White whales migration. The whales led from the west to the east destination along the coast. (more…)...
“Beringia” park’s contribution to Russia’s victory
It has been the second year since the time our park has been participating in the International Bird Watching Days. We did give our voice for nature environment protection and biodiversity. We took part in the international competition. (more…)...
Brown bears don’t sleep yet
Our inspector Ivan Vukvun from Lavrentia aria, wanted to check the Brown bear situation. It happened when he read in Chukotka newspaper that bears in other district of the region still walk. (more…)...
The great event in Providensky district
The conference “The guarantee of the constitutional rights of indigenous people in Providensky district” became a great and very important event in the cultural and social life in Provideniya. (more…)...
National park “Beringia” establishment
Social hearings about new state unite foundation were finished in two of three parts of the future National park “Beringia”. (more…)...